My birthday was last Wednesday, and Mermaid #2 gave me a lovely journal and a devotional book. She is a traditionalist when it comes to literature, so the book was The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas a Kempis. Originally written for monastics in the 14th century, the language is beautiful and very "King James." I am a sucker for anything renaissance/restoration, so a perfect gift for me.
During my last night's reading of that devotional tome, I started thinking about quiet service. About the angels that run around on earth, and just do good works. Quietly, not drawing attention, they love and give and make a difference.
I call myself blessed to know, love and be best friends with 3 ladies that are quiet and gently serving, serving. Each in her own way takes extra care with her family, her friends and the people she meets. Quietly, mermaid #2 teaches and reads and prays and serves. Loving and selfless, mermaid #3 mothers in a gentle way everyone she meets, while serving in her quietly gifted way. Not drawing attention, mermaid #4 offers solace and rest and hope and love, and gives gives gives.
So many people aspire to be something great, something seen and heard in a grand way. But the lives of quiet service are beyond worth. We sometimes forget that the unseen and unheard service are the things that are most prized with our God. I would like to pay a tribute to the women in my life, my Mom, Grandmother, Sister in laws, Mother in law and my close dear friends that have touched me in a quiet way that has changed me forever. Changed me to be more giving, less selfish, more generous and less worried about what others might think of me when I am more like Christ.
I wrote this song for Rikie when she moved away. She has always sounded Angelic, but people don't always know that she also has other angelic qualities, working diligently to serve God through serving her family and friends. She is such a loving, gentle mom, and I love her dearly.
I like to think of the four of us as those spirits in Hans Christian Andersons' The Little Mermaid, going around the earth helping quietly, not asking for things in return. They have shown me that the seen is so much less important than the unseen. And I am so grateful, as my mermaids continue to show me what it means to serve, really serve, and know that quiet service really does matter.
Cry Like An Angel
When words are unspoken when heartaches run long
When the mountains are misty and the heather is gone
When winter has frozen your heart to the core
You can cry to me softly, without any words.
Cry like an angel, sing like the sea
Cry like an angel, come cry to me
Dance like the fire, and soar like a bird
Cry like an angel, when there are no words.
When miles are between us and leagues still remain
The river will guide you back home again
When miles are between us and the storms rage and roar
Use the ocean to send your message to shore...
When your soul grows so tired and lonely with fear
Cry out on the western wind, and I will hear.
and Cry like an angel, sing like the sea
Cry like an angel come cry to me,
Dance like the fire, and soar like a bird
Cry like an angel...when there are no words.
During my last night's reading of that devotional tome, I started thinking about quiet service. About the angels that run around on earth, and just do good works. Quietly, not drawing attention, they love and give and make a difference.
I call myself blessed to know, love and be best friends with 3 ladies that are quiet and gently serving, serving. Each in her own way takes extra care with her family, her friends and the people she meets. Quietly, mermaid #2 teaches and reads and prays and serves. Loving and selfless, mermaid #3 mothers in a gentle way everyone she meets, while serving in her quietly gifted way. Not drawing attention, mermaid #4 offers solace and rest and hope and love, and gives gives gives.
So many people aspire to be something great, something seen and heard in a grand way. But the lives of quiet service are beyond worth. We sometimes forget that the unseen and unheard service are the things that are most prized with our God. I would like to pay a tribute to the women in my life, my Mom, Grandmother, Sister in laws, Mother in law and my close dear friends that have touched me in a quiet way that has changed me forever. Changed me to be more giving, less selfish, more generous and less worried about what others might think of me when I am more like Christ.
I wrote this song for Rikie when she moved away. She has always sounded Angelic, but people don't always know that she also has other angelic qualities, working diligently to serve God through serving her family and friends. She is such a loving, gentle mom, and I love her dearly.
I like to think of the four of us as those spirits in Hans Christian Andersons' The Little Mermaid, going around the earth helping quietly, not asking for things in return. They have shown me that the seen is so much less important than the unseen. And I am so grateful, as my mermaids continue to show me what it means to serve, really serve, and know that quiet service really does matter.
Cry Like An Angel
When words are unspoken when heartaches run long
When the mountains are misty and the heather is gone
When winter has frozen your heart to the core
You can cry to me softly, without any words.
Cry like an angel, sing like the sea
Cry like an angel, come cry to me
Dance like the fire, and soar like a bird
Cry like an angel, when there are no words.
When miles are between us and leagues still remain
The river will guide you back home again
When miles are between us and the storms rage and roar
Use the ocean to send your message to shore...
When your soul grows so tired and lonely with fear
Cry out on the western wind, and I will hear.
and Cry like an angel, sing like the sea
Cry like an angel come cry to me,
Dance like the fire, and soar like a bird
Cry like an angel...when there are no words.
I do think we forget that those quiet, persistant people are honored from God for their perserverence and example. You have been an example to me. One that tells me to search inside of myself and sing, write, or unleash my emotions to Him. I hope you had a happy birthday! I am so glad you were born and that I know you. I hope I see you soon. I am going to get the song ready to frame this week. I love you LeighAnn.
Thank you, friend, for the encouragement to keep on serving people in the way we know how! You, too, are a quiet example to me of what it means to be a daughter of God. I love you more than you know!!!
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