But Ryan, like the special sweet responsible guy he is wakes me up. Tells me "Mom its after 6:30! I am already ready and dressed." A being that is 10 years old is a constant blessing in the Heil house.
For those that don't know Ryan, he has overcome many many challenges and is a source of great pride to me. He is not academic. Has many learning problems. He has a disorder that makes him zone out and stare. Asks too many questions, the same questions over and over. He has had unreasonable fears, doubts, and problems. He needed years of therapy to overcome the physical challenges, and the emotional. I was told he would never swim, never learn to ride a bike, never walk a balance beam without falling. He proved them wrong. He compensated and can do all of those things, and ace the rest of the 5th graders around the track. He is a living breathing example of determination and will, and amazing grace.
I have spent my entire life achieving what I perceived as greatness. Always the next thing, the next win, the next big goal reached. I was always striving for more, and I really thought that in achieving more I would be more worthy of love. I needed to be the smartest, prettiest, most accomplished or I was worth nothing.
Then God gave me Ryan and I realized that we are worthwhile simply because we are.
Ryan has amazing talents. He can include people and integrate groups of kids. He has an intuition about people and can actually feel their feelings. He is sensitive and wonderful, and everyone that meets him usually loves him, from senior citizens all the way down to two-year- old's. A feat that I cannot duplicate. I am not sensitive to others' feelings the way he is. Where I am pushy he is open, where I am aggressive he is giving. He shows me that I am not the way I should be. It is humbling. I am grateful.
So I went to dinner with a friend. I was telling her about Ryan, and she said "oh he must be an indigo child." I didn't know what that was, but apparently there are children with a high level of intuition, spirit sensitivity lacking in the rest of us. They are the ones that bring peace to groups and to the world. I don't know if Ryan is, but I loved the idea and decided it would make a wonderful song.
So I dedicate this to Ryan and to all children that are trying to make the world better by being exactly who they are. Sensitive, free, wild, peace-filled and full of love.
Indigo Child
Roll with the Wind down to the sea
Go to the place where the stars want to be
Reflect your light down on the sand
Turn your face to silver strand
Color of ocean, color of night
Your color was made, crystal and bright
So stay free, young and wild
Beautiful one, my indigo child
Don't you let your colors fade
From the deep deep blue to shades of gray
Ultramarine rich and free
Becoming what you were intended to be
Roll out with the winter wind
Light the Auroras and let it begin
Clear as the night on the solstice you rise
Winter is brought by the indigo child
Color of ocean, color of night
Your color was made crystal and bright
So stay free young and wild
Beautiful one, my indigo child.
Beautiful one, my indigo child.
I love this, I have been hoping to see a post from you soon. I think about you guys a lot and pray for God's Love to keep you creative and expressive. We need more people like Ryan, and more people that can believe in them like you.
WOW!! Love it! would love to hear this put to music; it's beautiful already.
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